A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 1298

Chapter 1298


Chapter: 1298

But times had changed.

Now, whoever had money had power.

After two glasses of wine, Harold looked at Aline and said, “Your people must not harm Rena’s family.”

Aline raised her glass, smiling coquettishly.

She chuckled until tears welled up in her eyes. “Oh, what’s this? Worried about her, are you? Afraid she’ll cry her heart out in secret?”

Aline playfully leaned against Harold’s chest, toying with him using her delicate fingers. “Harold, how many times must I tell you before you believe me? Rena isn’t the poor girl she once was. How else could she have held her own as the daughter-in-Law of the Fowler family for so many years?”

“Then you shouldn*t have crossed her.”

“But I don’t like her. Ever since Fred went to jail, my wealth has taken a nosedive. How can I not despise her?”

Aline clenched her teeth, vowing, “One day, I’ll outdo her.”


Harold had endured much.

He had experienced the might of the Fowler family and Mark. Even when Rena took charge of the Exceed Group, he had suffered setbacks because of her. He never believed that Aline could match Rena.

But there was Ruth…

Harold feared that Ruth might harm Rena.

With her hands holding his handsome face, Aline spoke with a hint of tremor in her voice. “Harold, if you sleep with me, I promise I won’t let Ruth get close to Waylen.”

Harold was no saint.

But he didn’t mind sleeping with Aline.

Harold could sleep with anyone, including Aline.

He had come to the hotel today almost solely to sleep with her. He realized that he, a despicable person, was a perfect fit for Aline There was no need to hide anything from her, and he could unleash his anger without the slightest trace of shame.

A few hours of passionate lovemaking compensated for the void in Harold’s heart.

As night fell, Harold rested against the sofa, smoking. With Aline’s arms wrapped around his waist, she murmured softly, “Don’t leave tonight.”

However, Harold gently pushed Aline away and began to dress.

He had only come here for sex.

Staying the entire night cuddling would be ludicrous…

After he left, Aline fumed and threw the pillow away.

